
Manufacturer’s warranty for Harrie Leenders Haardkachels B.V.

The making of stoves by hand since 1979 has fired us with enthusiasm for details. This results in sound products that last a long time. We provide a 10-year manufacturer’s warranty on the construction, the metal frame and the welded parts. Above all, the stoves have been designed so that the parts that are prone to wear can be easily replaced.

In the unlikely event that there is a problem with your stove, you should contact your supplier first. Your supplier knows the situation, has installed the stove and knows you best. We will help your supplier to ensure that your stove operates properly.

Because your stove is only ready for use after it has been connected to a flue, we consider it important that this installation is carried out by skilled professionals employed by a distributor/ dealer approved by us. Call us for an up-to-date list or see here.

Only if your stove has been fitted by an approved distributor/dealer, can you claim on the manufacturer’s warranty.

Warranty conditions

  1. For a period of maximum 10 years from delivery, Harrie Leenders Haardkachels B.V. (Leenders) warrants the soundness of the construction as such, including the parts and the delivered materials, but excluding the moving and separate parts, the cord, the glass, the fire bricks and the fire chamber lining.
  2. The factory warranty applies to manufacturing defects. Defects caused by incorrect connection, improper use/maintenance, brute force, incorrect connection by purchaser/third parties, poor flue, incorrect use of fuel, are not covered by the warranty.
  3. The factory warranty is only applicable if normal use was made of the matters/goods covered by the warranty, if proper maintenance was performed, no user faults are established and the manual and installation instructions for the particular product were followed/observed.
  4. If the matter/good covered by the factory warranty has been installed or repaired or if any part of this matter/good was replaced or repaired by parties other than Leenders or an approved Leenders distributor/dealer, without permission in writing from Leenders, the customer cannot derive rights from the factory warranty described in the previous subclauses.
  5. No rights can be derived for repair or replacement of matters/goods or parts that are worn or broken, if this is a result of normal use.

Warranty provisions

  1. In the event of factory warranty, Leenders will, at its discretion, replace the particular parts at its expense or perform repair work. Should Leenders have replaced a supplied matter/good during the warranty period, the initial commencement date for the factory warranty will remain valid and shall not lead to extension.
  2. Leenders is entitled to have the repair or service work performed exclusively by a service company to be designated by Leenders, as well as by its distributors/dealers.
  3. The 10-year warranty term will commence at the moment of delivery of the matter/good.
  4. You may only invoke the factory warranty if you have met all your obligations with regard to your supplier.